Midgley baptisms, marriages and deaths  transcribed from  published copies of the Parish Register of Halifax* and other extracted sources.

*Copies of the Halifax Parish Register kept at the Society of Australian Genealogists Library, Richmond Villa, 120, Kent Street, Observatory Hill, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000, Australia.
Open 10.30 am to 4pm, Tues.-Thurs. and Saturdays.

N.B. In 1538 Henry VIII's Vicar-General  Thomas Cromwell gave orders for churches to keep  records of baptisms, deaths and marriages, following the demise of the monasteries.

Baptisms 1571-1577
Transcribed 1999 by Tim Midgley

Abrm. Mydgley Rychard Mydgley [Myghely struck out] iv July 1571
Abrm. Mydglay Wm. Mydglay de Midglay  May 1 1574
Abrm. Mydglay Wm. Mydglay de Sourbie 10th Dec 1575
Abrm. Mydgley Wm. Mydgley de Midgeley xxiij 1588
Sara Mydgley Willm. Mydgley de Sourbie Mar 1 1589
Symone Mydgley Johne Mydgley de Warley Oct xxvij 1571
Thom Mydgley John Mydgley de Mydgley 1584 vj January
Ester Mydgley John Mydgley de Sourbiwe 1581 Dec xxiiij
Johne Mydgley Johne Mydgley de Mydgley Dec xxvj 1581
Agnes Mydgley Johne de Northourn Jan vij 1581-2/
Thomas Mydgley JohneMydgley de Mydgley Jan xxj 1582
Thomas Mydgley Willm Mydgley de Mydgley June xxv 1581
Thomas Mydgley Willm Mydgley de Halyfax June xv 1572
Thomas Midgeli Jonis Midgeli de Ovenden Oct xj 1562
Thomas Mydglay Ryc. Mydglay de Midgley June xxiiij 1576
Willm Sebbel ?Mydgley Johnes Mydgley de Northourni July xv1576
Marion Midgley Thome Midgley de Midgley xxiij August 1560
Elsabethe Lambe Roberti Lambe de Midgley eod die Thomas Midgley, Jenet Dayne & Alice Horner primi Apr 1558
Thomas Townend Jacobi Townend de Midgley xxix Mar April 1558 Thomas Midgley Edward Townend & Roberti Dayne
Edw. Aykeroydde ?Midgley Ric. Aykeroydde Midgley xvj Richard Midgley, Edward Aykeroyd & Margat Aykeroid
Thomas Midgley Anthonii Midgley de Midgley 1577 xxx Feb Henrie Shawe, Jones Aykeroid & Robert Midgley
Isabella Reid Jons Reid de (Sourby struck out) Souland eod die Anthoni Midgley, Leonardi Barstowe & Simone Smythe
Thomas de Midgley Richardi Thomas de Midgley iiij
Thomas Midgley Willmo Farrowe Richardi Midgey Oct 1556
Robert De Midgley Thome Midgley de Midgley Nov 1554
Thomas Midgeley de Midgeley Richard de Midgeley Dec 1553
Thomas de Mydgeley Ric. de Mydgeley March 1550
Agnes  de Migley Thome Migley de Mygley xiijApril 1548
Thomas de Myggeley Willmi Myggeley de Myggeley Septio die 1542
Sara Mydgley de Sourbie  Willm Mydgley de Sourbie primo Marcii 1590
Abraham Mydgley Willm Mydgley de Mydgley xxiij 1588
Martha Mydgley Willm Mydgley de sourbie eodem die Sept 1587
Elisabeth Mydgley Robt Mydgley de Mydgley xviij Dec 1586
John Mydgley Willm Mydgley de Mydgley xxvij Sept 1584
Saphira Mydgley Willm Mydgley de Sourbie ij day of August 1584
Marye Mydgley Willm de Mydgley de Mydgley xxiij June 1583
Grace Mydgley Edward de Mydgley de Mydgley xxviij Jan 1581
Mary Mydgley Willm Mydgley de Mydgley xxvj Marche 1580
Mary Mydgley Willm Mydgley de Sourbie xxviij June 1579
Willm Mydgley Ric. Mydgley de Mydgley xiij April 1577
Willm Mydgley John Mydgley de Ovenden xxiiij April 1577
Yet to be recorded: William Midgley's +
 10- 234 N7. 37 43 1538 -1593 Parish Register of Halifax

Baptisms Halifax copied from Halifax [St.Johns] Baptisms 1666-1699 Extracted from a transcription  by Tana Willis Johnson,1998.

"While the following baptisms have been transcribed as accurately
as possible, given the nature and state of the fiches it is quite
likely that there are errors, and there are certainly omissions.
Some years have very little legible content and while I have done
my utmost I would urge you not to rely on these transcriptions or
treat them as "gospel", but where possible check the originals or
Bishops Transcripts.
Where names are not fully legible I have transcribed what I can
and where there are several possibilities have used brackets [which
indicate a possibility only], dots [......] the number of which do
NOT signify the number of letters but are a guide as to a long or
short name, slashes e.g. Sam/Sara - where the name could be either/or.
[Please check at the end of the list for totally bracketed surnames].
It may appear to some of you that the almost totally illegible entries
are not worth including in the transcriptions - but for somebody
looking for a Dorothy dtr of Joshua xxxxx it may well provide at
least a pointer"- Tana Willis Johnson.

1690 Feb   Abr&Isaak     Will     BINS    Susan  MIDGLEY    Halifax
1671 May  Alicia             Jo                                MIDGLEY             Halifax
1670 May  Ana                Ambler                       MIDGLEY             Southowram?
1699 Sep   Edward          Jas                              MIDGLEY             Halifax
1671 Feb   Jo                   Sam                           MIDGLEY             Southowram
1670 Oct   Josh                Sam                           MIDGLEY             Midgley
1689 Feb   Josh                Josh?                         MIDGLEY             Halifax
1688 Jan   Maria              Ri                               MIDGLEY             Halifax
1691 Dec  Rob                 Rich                           MIDGLEY             Ovenden
1692 Jun   Tho                 Josh                            MIDGLEY             Halifax
1692 Sep   Willm            Richard                        MIDGLEY             Halifax
1696 Aug   Elizabeth       Joseph                         MIDGLEY?            Halifax
1695 Jul     ?                    Joseph                        MIDGLEY?
1683 Oct   Abr                Abr                            MIDGLY              Hipperholme
1684 Aug   Eliz               Wil                              MIDGLY              Halifax
1688 Oct   Isabella          Ri                               MIDGLY              Ovenden
1685 Mar  Jo                  Will                             MIDGLY              Halifax
1686 Jul    Jo                  Abr                             MIDGLY              Hipperholme
1686 Nov  Jo                  Ri                               MIDGLY              Halifax
1686 Nov  Jos                Will                             MIDGLY              Northowram
1677 Apr  Martha           Will                            MIDGLY              Halifax
1683 Jul   Martha           Will                             MIDGLY              Halifax
1676 May  Sam              Abr                            MIDGLY              Hipperholme
1681 Mar  Susan            Will                            MIDGLY              Halifax
1687 Jan   Tho               Will                            MIDGLY              Halifax
1681 Nov  Will              Will                            MIDGLY              Halifax
1688 Jun    ....                Sam                           MIDGLY              Warley?
1671 Sep   Sara             Math                          MIGLEY??           Halifax

Medley, possible variation of Midgley (Halifax baptisms 1666 continued)

1685 Feb   Judith              Tho               MIDLEY/MEDLEY
1695 Mar   Mary            John                MEDLEY    Northowram
1698 May   Mary           [Ri?]                MEDLEY
1669 Apr   Mich?           Will                 MEDLEY              Hipperholme
1669 Sep   Phebe            Hen                MEDLEY              Halifax
1693 Oct   Samuell          John               MEDLEY              Northowram
1690 Feb   Sara              John                MEDLEY             Northowram
1695 Dec   Susanna        John                MEDLEY             Northowram
1688 May   Graita          Jo                    MEDLY               Northowram
1683 Sep   Gratia           Jo                    MEDLY               Northowram
1684 May   Hen             Jo                    MEDLY               Hipperholme
1682 Jan   Is                  Jo                    MEDLY               Northowram
1672 Mar   Jo                Jo                    MEDLY               Northowram
1686 Jul   Jo                  Jo                    MEDLY               Northowram
1685 Jun   Maria            Jo                   MEDLY               Northowram
1676 Dec   Martha        Jo                    MEDLY               Northowram
1683 Apr   Will             Jo                    MEDLY               Northowram
1683 Jul   Will               Jo                    MEDLY               Northowram
1685 Oct   Will             Jo                    MEDLY               Northowram
1681 Mar   ..ara            Jo                    MEDLY               Hipperholme

 St. Johns Parish Church, Halifax  baptisms 1701-1710
"The Parish Registers for this period are particularly bad and very difficult to read. For
this reason the Bishops Transcripts have also been included and many baptisms therefore
appear twice [BT denotes Bishops Transcript]". Extracted from Parish Registers transcribed by Tana Willis Johnson  Bishops Transcript by Carole E. Caruso.

1701 Jun Wm: Jos: Midgley Halifax BT
1702 Mar Wm Jos Midgley Hallifax
1702/03 Mar Wm Joseph Midgley Halifax BT
1705 Dec John Richd: Midgley Halifax BT
1706/07 Feb Rich Mr: Richd: Midgley Halifax BT
1710 Oct David Rich Midgley Hallifax

These are all the Midgley marriages recorded in the Parish Register of Halifax vol 45
Transcribed 1999 by Tim Midgley

Isabella Mygeley de Halifax Johns Dylworth de Heptonstall 4th Feb 1541
Elizabeth Myggeley Thomas Oldfield 2nd Dec 1542
Thomas Myggeley Agnes Myggeley 1543
Isabella Mygeley Ricus Ratclyff 19th June 1543
Elizabeth  Midgley Cuthebert Brease 25th May 1546
Margaret Midgley Thomas  Turner 22nd April 1548
Thomas  Midgley Agnes Midgley v/ti
John Midgeley Annes Gavgrodger 15th May 1542
John Midgley Alicia Midgley 8th april 1554
William Midgley Margeta Tidde 21st_1558/9
Elisabette Midgley Sander Heywor 1st_1559
Johnes Mydgelei Alicia Berstow 13th Oct 1563
William  Mydgele Agnes Mydgeley 22nd April 1565
Isabella Mydgeley Ric. Pyckeryn 17th May 1565
Mawdlen Mydgley Robt. Wryght 2nd Feb 1572
Isabell Mydgley Austane Dycconsone VIII July 1573
Elysabeth Mydgley Ric. Grenwood 26th_ 1577
William Mydgley Agnes Mydgley 7th_ 1580
Jenet Mydgley Henry Waltone 1582
John Mydgley Elisabeth Fournes 12th Nov 1588
Susan Midgley Wm. Field 1st_1591
Willm. Midgley Frauncis (?wiffe)  10th sept 1593
Jenet Midgly Ed. Tattersall 7th _ 1593
Susan*  Midgley John Murgatroyde 1639 of East Riddlesden Hall. 
     [*Extracted from Murgatroyde pedigree. Susan was the dtr. of John Midgley lord of Headley, Thornton by Bradford and Isabella Hawkesworth.]

Other source marriages 1560-1593:
MAWD, Margaret 20 Jan 1560 Anthonie MIDGLEY
MIDGELEI, Richardus 21 Sep 1562 Sibella BRIGGE
MIDGELEI, Sibella 2 Nov 1562 Michaell DRAKE
MIDGELEY, Anthonie 7 Jul 1551 Genet HARGREVES
MIDGELEY, Elsabeth 15 Sep 1550 Johannes SHAWE
MIDGELEY, Johannes 15 May 1552 Annes GAUGRODGER
MIDGELEY, Margareta 9 May 1552 Robertus LOMBE
MIDGELY, John 7 Nov 1592 Ann HEMINGWAY
MIDGLAYE, Wylliam 7 Aug 1570 Christabellam OULDEFFEILDE
MIDGLEY, Abraham 16 Nov 1592 Grace FOURNIS
MIDGLEY, Agnes 30 Nov 1551 Thomas MIDGLEY
MIDGLEY, Agnes 6 May 1560 Persivall CLAY
MIDGLEY, Alicia 8 Apr 1554 Johannes MIDGLEY
MIDGLEY, Anthonie 20 Jan 1560 Margaret MAWD
MIDGLEY, Anthonius 1 Jun 1591 Issabel GRENEWOOD
MIDGLEY, Elizabeth 24 May 1546 Cutheberth BREARE
MIDGLEY, Elsabeth 2 Sep 1549 Richard LONGBOTHOM
MIDGLEY, Elsabethe 1 Oct 1559 Saunder HEYWOR
MIDGLEY, Johannes 4 Nov 1560 Genet WESTE
MIDGLEY, Johannes 8 Apr 1554 Alicia MIDGLEY
MIDGLEY, Margaret 22 Apr 1548 Thomas TURNAR
MIDGLEY, Susan 1 Jun 1591 William FEILD
MIDGLEY, Thomas 30 Nov 1551 Agnes MIDGLEY
MIDGLEY, Thomas 13 Feb 1552 Janne WATERHOUSE
MIDGLEY, William 2 May 1549 Katheryn HARISONNE
MIDGLEY, Williamus 30 Jun 1555 Genet HARGREVES
MIDGLEY, Williamus 21 Jan 1558 Margareta TODDE
MIDGLYE, Mathew 4 May 1592 Marie AIROID
MIDGLY, Jenet 7 Nov 1593 Edward TATTERSALL
MIDGLY, William 7 Jun 1593 Francis WILKINSON
MIDGLY, William 20 Sep 1593 Frauncis
MIDGLY, William 18 Jun 1593 Alice RAWDEN

Halifax, St Johns- Marriages 1594-1599
Extracted from a transcription by Tana Willis Johnson, January 1999 who writes:

"While the following baptisms have been transcribed as accurately as possible, I
would urge you not to rely on these transcriptions or treat them as "gospel", but
where possible check the originals and/or Bishops Transcripts. Where names
are not fully legible I have transcribed what I can and where there are several
possibilities have used brackets [which indicate a possibility only], dots [......] the
number of which do NOT signify the number of letters but are a guide as to a
long or short name. All names have been transcribed exactly as per the entry in
the Registers and I recommend you look at all variations of spellings".

1593 Feb 7 Nicholas HALDESWORTH Alice MIDGLEY
1594 May 21 Mary BL[AND?] Jo MIDGLEY
1594 Aug 12 Sibil AMLEYE Mich MIDGLEY
1595 Oct 1 Eliz CLAYTON Math MIDGLEY of  Wa.[Warley?]
1596 Nov 22 Robt MIDGLEY Agnes MOORE
1597 Feb 6 Elizab NICOLS Willm MIDGLEY
1597 Nov 7 Eliz BLACKWOOD John MIGLEY
1597 Dec 12 Robt THOMAS Judith MIDGLEY
1598 Oct 2 Otowel WHITWORTH Grace MIDGLEY
1599 May 14 Tho MIDGLEY Margar. WHITE  of Halifax
1599 Jun 3 Richard MIDGLEY Grace STOCKDALE of Midgley

Deaths 1578-1593
Transcribed 1999 by Tim Midgley.

Ric. Mydgley of Mydgley  9th June 1578
William Mydgley of Halifax  2nd June 1578
William Mydgley Ric. Mydgley of Ovenden
Richard Midgley of Midgley  30th Nov 1579
Elizabeth Mydgley of Mydgley widow 13th Nov 1581
Ric. Mydgley de Northour  21-4th 1586
Mary Mydgley William Mydgley de Mydgley 22nd May 1587
an infant  William Wood Midgley 16th March 1588
Anthony Mydgley of Mydgly  9th Oct 1588
Ric. Mydgley of Mydgley  16th sept. 1589
Ric. Mydgley de Mydgley  28th Oct. 1588
an infant  Willm. Mydgley de Mydgley 2nd May 1589
Johnis Midglay Hall  30th April 1591
John Midglye John Midglye de Halifax 29th May 1592
Susan Midgley John Midgley de Halifax 28th June 1592
Wilm. Midgly John Midgly de Warlye 5th August 1592
Anne Midgleye Willm Townend Midgleye 23rd Nov 1593
James Farrar Midgleye  3rd Dec 1593 [The Farrar family lived at Ewood Hall, Midgley]
see Midgley-cum-Halifax page

Burials  not completed 1593 -1638  vol 45 Halifax Register but some William &
Thomas's  recorded

Non-conformist register, Coley, Northowram, births, marriages and deaths 1708-1740
Samuel Midgleys wife of, bore 2 children 22 Feb 1708
Mrs Midgley of Horton Married Samuel Lister  30 Dec 1707
See Midgley of Thornton & Horton
Joseph Midgley Married Eliz. Kay Dr. Nettleton's maid 18 April 1715
Mr Midgley of Horton marr Mrs. Bathsheba Hollings of Bradford 21 May 1719
William Midgley the Minister of Sowerby died aged about 30 of a palsie 7 May 1706
Mr. Midgley of Midgley called Dr. fell into the water when  ffishing & was drowned near Luddenham supposed to be a palsie 18 June 1708
Mrs. Martha Midgley an old virgin died at Thornton buried at Halifax on : 11 Sept 1708. [dtr. of John Midgley, lord of Thornton nr. Bradford by Elizabeth.]
Mrs  Midgley Mr. Midgley's wife of Headley buried 1 June 1709 [Elizabeth, wife of Josias Midgley, lord of Thornton nr. Bradford ]
Mrs Midgley Samuel Midgley's wife of Coley Hall died August 1712
William Midgley near Bradford, buried  17 Feb 1714
Midgley daughter of John Midgley of Illingworth died of smallpox 15th Oct 1717
Mr. Midgley late of Headley died in Halifax buried: 24 Dec 1718. [Josias Midgley, lord of Thornton nr. Bradford.]
Nathaniael S. Samuel  Midgley died at Landshead short sickness 13 April 1724
Mr. John  Midgley* Nr. Horton died 24 June 1730 bur: 26th June 1730. [son of William Midgley d. 1706, vicar at Sowerby]
Mr. Dawson John Midgley's* brother in Law buried June 2 1730
Mrs Midgley of Schol-Moor died at Bradford Aug 29th 1736 buried : 1 Sept 1736. [Bathsheba, wife of John Midgley of Scholesmoor and Horton, d. 1730.]
Mrs. Midgley  Robert Midgley the Gail-Keeper in Halifax buried his wife 2 Dec 1740

Non-Conformist - Heyward's Register 1650-1702.
Compiled by the Reverends Oliver Heywood (1644-1702) and T. Dickenson (1702-1752) .

Susan/Susanna Midgley of Sowerby died Monday 20th March 1678 aged 86
Margaret Midgley of Halifax bur. there Apr 27. 1697 aged 70
Saml Midgley's wife, of Coley Hall, bare 2 children Febr. 22 1708
Mr. Saml Lister & Mrs Midgley of Horton married Dec. 30 1707
Joseph Midgley and Eliz Kay (Dr Nettleton's maid) mar. Apr. 18 1715
Mr, Midgley of Horton & Mrs Bathsheba Hollings of Bradford mar. May 21(1719)
Mr. Willm. Midgley the Minister at Sowerby died May 7. 1706, aged abt 30, of a palsie
Mr Midgley (call'd Doctor) of Midgley fell into the water, when ffishing & was drown'd near Luddenden June 18, supposed to be a Palsie (1708)
Mrs Martha Midgley (an old virgin) died at Thornton, was bur.at Halifax, Sept 11(1708)
Mr Midgley's wife of Headley buried June 1 (1709)
Saml Midgley's wife of Coley Hall, died Aug. (1710/11)
Mr Willm Midgley near Bradford bur. Feb. 17 (1710/11)
_______ daughter. of John Midgley of Illingworth died of Small Pox. Oct 15 (1717)
Mr ______ Midgley late of Headly died in Halifax, bur. Dec. 24 (1717)
Nathl. s. Saml Midgley died at Landshead Apr. 13. short sickness (1712)
Saml Midgley's wife of Coley Hall, died Aug. (1711)
Mr Midgeley of Halifax bur. at Luddington Apr. 6. aged abt 25 (1705)
Saml Hopkinson of Sowerby & Martha Midgeley married Nov. 30  (1678)

Samuel Midgly that was prisoner in York Castle 1685, waited on us, hath been prisoner 3 times in Halifax jail for debt dyed there, bur. July 18. '95, aged 66  See Wakefield Manor.

William Midgly father to Dr. and Attourney Midgly ("Lawyer Midgley" in other sources) was  buryed at Luddenden Aug 21 '95, aged 81, Mr Sunderland preacht

1590 Mr. J. Midgly Attourny in Halifax buryed there May  20. aged 50

 Margaret Midgley of Halifax bur. there Apr 27. 97 aged 70

Saml Hopkinson of Sowerby & Martha Midgeley married Nov. 30 1678

Coley Christening.
26 day  October. 1649    Martha daug. Will Midgeley

Marriages at Birstall 1687-1709
(Extracted from Surname Interest files)
5th June 1689 Jonathan Midgley Mary Ruskey.
10th Feb 1707 Samuel Midgley Alwoodley?-Harewood? Mary Hobson.
28th November 1706 Samuel Midgley Wife Anne Bolland

Burials in Chapell of Headingley
(Extracted from Surname Interest  files)
John Midgley 20th December 1788, son of Thomas, Burley.
Elizabeth Midgley, Burley 27th Jan 1781
23rd May 1786 Esther D/ of William, Kirkstall Forge.
12th July 1796 Mary Midgley, D/ of Thomas of Burley.
24th Jan 1808 Mary Anne Midgley D of Benjamin of Headingley.
25th June 1815 John Midgley of Burley (15 years).
9th Feb 1816 Mary Midgley of Headingley (4 months).
13th April 1817 Mary Midgley of Headingley (32 years).
19th May 1819 Mary Midgley d of Edward and Ann of Kirkstall (10 months).
20th July 1819 Frances Midgley d of John and Frances of Headingley (6 months).
28th Dec 1825 Thomas Midgley of Burley (72 years).

Baptisms, Headingley Chapell
(Extracted from Surname interest  files)
28th April 1799 Joseph son of William, Kirkstall Forge.
9th April 1809 James son of Benjamin Midgley, Headingley.
12th May 1811 Ann Midgley, d of Benjamin of Headingley.
21st Feb 1813 Sarah d of Benjamin and Mary Midgley, Headingley (labourer)
28th Nov 1813 William son of Joseph and Frances Midgley, Headingley (gardener)
30th April 1815 Benjamin son of Benjamin and Mary Midgley, Kirkstall (labourer)
12th Nov 1815 Mary d. of John and Frances Midgley, Headingley (gardener)
15th Dec 1816  Hannah Midgley d. of John and Frances, Headingley (gardener)
28th Feb 1819 Frances, d. of John and Frances Midgley, Headingley (gardener)
16th April 1820  George son of Benjamin and Martha Midgley, Headingley (labourer)
3rd Dec 1820 Mary Ann d. of Edward and Ann Midgley, Kirkstall (clothier)
31st March 1822 Faith Midgley d. of Benjamin and Martha, Headingley (labourer)
10th Nov 1822 Margaret d. of John and Frances Midgley, Headingley (labourer)
26th Dec 1824 Thomas son of John and Frances Midgley, Headley (labourer)
1st Feb 1829 Lydia d. of John and Frances Midgley, Headingley (labourer)
13th Dec 1831 Frederick son of John and Frances Midgley, Headingley (labourer)
5th May 1833 born 8th April 1833 James son of John and FrancesMidgley (labourer)
27th April 1834 born 8th March Ann d. of Joseph and Sarah Midgley, Headingley (labourer)
10th April 1836 William son of Joseph and Sarah Midgley, Headingley (labourer)
19th January 1840 Joseph son of John, Headingley.

Beheaded at Halifax Gibbet:
Richard Midgley of Midgley 13th April, 1624.

Hearth Tax at Northowram 1665
William Midgly 2 hearths
Samuel Midgley 2 hearths
See Hearth Tax for 1672

Thornton 1838
Thomas Midgly (grocer), Denholme.
Joseph Midgly (boot and shoe maker), Denholme.
See Midgley of Thornton

Inn keepers of Halifax Townships
Jane Midgley, Crown and Cushion, Sheriff Hutton.

Elen Midgley, White Lion Inn, Illingworth.
Robert Midgley, Woodman Inn, Booth, Midgley
William Midgly. Sportsman Inn, Kelcoat, Stainfield.

Inn Keepers 1881 census
Benjamin Midgley, Ship Inn, Castleford.
Robert Midgley, Barley Corn Inn, Collingham.

Constable at Northowram 1849-50
Robert Midgley.

Clothier, Leeds. (From: Annals of Yorkshire- extract from will)
1759 Mr. Joseph Midgley of Leeds, clothier, who died this year left the interest of 800 pounds sterling to be paid quarterly to the poor of Harrison's hospital in Leeds.

From 1754 until the marriage Act of 1836, only Church of England, Jewish and Quaker marriages were valid. In effect other denominations had to go through an Anglican marriage ceremony if they wished to live in lawful wedlock, to have legitimate children and if a widow was to be able to claim pension rights. Any ex-nuptial dying without children himself could have his property revert to the crown. These penalties made it very desireable for couples of all persuasions to go through a valid ceremony (From "The Family Tree Detective" by Colin D. Rogers, Manchester Univ. Press 1983, pp90-91)

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Compiled, transcribed and extracted by Tim Midgley, Copyright © 1999. Links revised July 2023..